Another day gone by…

Todays Verse from Our Daily Bread is Romans
12:3-8 (NIV)

Todays question: How has God gifted you to serve?

I often wonder about my giftings from God. I know that He has given me computer skills
to use for His glory as well as some musical talent. Many people have commented that
I am a good teacher as well. I am not absolutly convinced of that one but I allow
God to lead me in that area as i teach bible studies at ICF.
I will also be teaching a finding your gifts class at ICCSD next

[Listening to: Prepare Ye The Way – Caedmon’s Call – Long Line
Of Leavers (04:29)]

I would like to find out more of my giftings that God has given me. Maybe I will see
new roles emerge in my life and be able to see more clearly the path God has prepared
for me.

Oh yeah. Last night Nobu did a great job leading worship and I did ok. We had to add
one song – Blessed Be Your Name. I am amazed to see his growth since I have met him.
I praise God for his friendship and I pray that we will continue to be friends even
after we don’t live in the same town.

Lst night at ICF we also talked about what
we are thankful for. I didn’t get a chance to share as there were 172 people in Wichit’s
house. I did however want to say how thankful I am for my wife and her love, encouragement
and appreciation. I know that I am not always vocal about my thankfulness for what
she does but I am. I am also thankful for my family. They love me even though I have
messed up in the past.

My prayer today – “May God continue to guide me as a loving husband to my wife and
may I learn to be content with every situation God places me in. I also pray that
God will watch over my cousin and bring healing to my cousin and family. God knows
what happened and He knows how much I regret what I have done.”

[Listening to: this mystery – nichole nordeman – this mystery (04:34)]

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