Thankful for the Workers…

Dear brothers and sisters, we always thank God for you, as is right, for we are thankful
that your faith is flourishing and you are all growing in love for each other.

Thes. 1:3, NLT

I really like the way Paul starts his letters. He is very loving and caring to the
people he is writing. He is thankful for his fellow workers and he says it to them
not just to other people. I pray that I can be more like Paul with encouraging words
to share with people and tell them.

He even uses his encouragement at the right time. The churh in Thessalonica was facing
persecution and hardship. Paul encouraged them by boasting in their endurance and
faithfulness. He is so thankful of them and I know that I would feel encouraged if
I was given a letter like this during my trials.

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